Hey y'all,
I'm a 2D animation student and aim to try post once every couple days if not try to produce work daily. I welcome to crits and want to use this as a way to track my progress. Work will vary from quick sketches to more detailed pieces

Thanks for visiting!
Been working on some pages for a comic for one of my deadlines at Uni, here's a couple of the pages I'm happy with c:
Will you take this further?
Hopefully! I ended up running out of time and not doing as much as I'd planned. I'm aiming to rewrite it over summer and add a lot more depth to the story I've got brewing in my head
Based off of a more traditional Unicorn/Kirin.
These are coming along great! I love the stars in their hair/mane!
Thanks for sharing!
Another piece for this project completed:
A small snippit of an animation I've been working on. Slow progress but enjoyable all the same. This was my first time animating fire but I'm super happy with it c:
I'd like to start with the finished sequence which I have posted about previously. This was part of an animated project myself and a friend worked on for one of our classes. I'm sorry the gif isn't the best quality but this is my favourite part that I worked on for this project -
You can watch the whole video over here :DD
This piece was one of my quick life drawings that I sketched in class, I notice the lighting made our model appear ethereal and I went with my instincts to follow that angelic visage -
Over summer I worked on several small projects, commissions and personal pieces to try and improve how I was creating my pieces. I still have a long way to go but here are a few of my outcomes -
I'm now at the start of my 2nd year at University and have been thrown into the deep end. I'm loving it already and have already started several projects for character design and working with physical painting to better our knowledge of colour theory. Here's a couple things from this semester so far -
Thank you so much! I hope y'all like what I've been working on, and stay tuned for more :DD
A painting I finished recently. Based on the character Jack Kline from Supernatural.
A character turnaround for one of my Uni Projects
More character turn arounds. I got asked to be a concept artist for one of my peers. So after a bunch of design work I ended up with this little guy is for an upperclassman's thesis film. Which markings do you like most? I like the red and blue stripe the most :DD
I guess the consensus is that all works... just different moods xD
A: one vote
B: two votes
C: one vote
You've been overruled
However, if I were to choose between A and C it would be C c;
More design options for y'all to sink your teeth into! Here's my favourites from the big batch of colour schemes I came up with. I went with a softer more sketchy style which I'm really enjoying. D, E and F are my favourites here I think? But I made so many choices and I like them all, so all help is much appreciated
Crit welcome
The final designs from a while back for my animation short I'm currently working on c:
Some portrait study painting