Hi all,
Did try to search for more info but my rookie-ness and lack of terminology let me down I'm afraid.
I hear a lot about compositing - but mostly within the video context. So my questions are:
1. Is it common practice, or recommended, to finish still renders with some compositing?
2. Where can I learn to skillfully apply compositing to my still renders?
3. I hear about Nuke and AE as compositing software - again that seems video related - so would Photoshop be suitable for this task? Or is there better?
4. What about PBR renders?
The goal here being to make my still renders "pop" - they seem so flat - I'm hoping that they are just missing some of the finishing touches, and those "touches" are compositing. If I'm way off base please school me.

2. Start with Youtube maybe?
3. Some people prefer to do still render compositing in Nuke or AE too, but you can do them in Photoshop of course.
Yes. you would use render passes and compositing exactly for that, fine tuning your image to make them "pop" (or whatever you want). You can also cut some rendering time if you know which effects you can easily accomplish later in comp.
Photoshop is al'right, ( also has the Magic Bullet Suit ), but I really like the nodal workflow of Nuke or / and I like to have an layer effect like in AE. But Photoshop is a more confusing when for exemple you want to recreate your beauty in it ( but it's still doable )
For the courses, you can try this one, it's good,