Hey there !
I'm completely new here as well as to 3D in general, so I hope I'm posting this to the right section of the forums. I also hope my questions don't sound insultingly amateurish.
So, I've decided to model a small stone staircase for training purposes. I started by making a lowpoly model in 3DS Max, then imported it into Zbrush and started detailing it. This is what they looked like :

I then did my UVs, and proceeded to bake my Normal and AO maps, which you can find here :

And finally, I uploaded the whole thing to Sketchfab, where I noticed some problems around some of my edges, as well as my stairs looking all ugly.

Friend told me my edges were set to "hard" instead of "soft", so I opened up Maya and softened them up, but now my lowpoly looks ugly as sin and even the Normal Map doesn't fix the problem :

I'm kind of at a loss here, so could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and help me get it right, please ? And maybe also tell me how to soften up edges in 3DS max ? I'd like to eliminate Maya from my workflow.
Baking can be a real pain but you'll get the hang of it with trail and error practice!
I was unable to find a way to turn on the checker in the UV preview, but the topology is rather simple (which is probably the real issue) and nothing seems stretched to me. I've made an archive with both my high and low poly meshes here, maybe they'll be helpful : https://www.dropbox.com/s/edonupvrqz2qh8s/Stair_meshes.rar?dl=0
Thanks for your reply !
Here is what the bake looks like inside of Knald! Looks pretty okay right?
Here is the texture map, Its actually not the same one from the screenshot above, I realised I did a 4k map and it was taking forever to upload to the site so I did a 2k map instead, quality is a little worse.
As you can see the edge was smoothed out, I think that was because I turned on Anti-Aliasing (16xAA) on the bake, I've noticed AA helps a lot with baking edges.
So in this picture you can see all these little artifacts where the edges are, this is happening because you haven't smoothed the edge normals on the model. Doing that will fix these issues on any edges.
Hope that sort of helps, at least you know its the bake itself causing you the main issue.