Hi everyone!
I'm looking to start learning digital sculpting with Mudbox/zBrush.. I've been told a graphics tablet is the way forward for sculpting and I was just wondering if the Wacom Intuos Pro (Small) is large enough for sculpting or do I need a large scale tablet or even a graphics monitor?
There's no need to go for a cintiq unless you want to spend that amount. Not for starting out atleast.
For just sculpting i'd get a huion / monoprice and call it a day.
I've been using a Monoprice tablet for several years now so I'm not sure, but I think tilt worked in ZBrush back when I used an Intuos 3...I've actually been considering getting a new Wacom just for the tilt feature.
If you're dead set on a Wacom then perhaps the Intuos 3D (comes with a Lite version of Zbrush) can be of use.
I personally upgraded from a Huion pro 1016 ( https://www.huiontablet.com/huion-h610pro.html ) to the Intuos CTH-690 (medium) , and frankly the only benefit is that for drawing, Wacom still kicks ass, but for sculpting there is literally no gain at all.
For beginner's purpose if you are struggling with money, go with smaller version it will suite you very well!
But ya, Monoprice might be better for what you`re looking for.