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Recycling Bin - WIP

polycounter lvl 8
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neil_w2 polycounter lvl 8
Im modelling a recycling bin ... uh ... what can i say about this ...

well this is actually supposed to be for a larger scene with like a dozen objects.  but ... guess I'm not quite pro enough yet, i kinda feel like im learning how to do this as i do it.  one thing ive learned about some of this computer graphics type work is theirs a distinct difference between knowing the basics of how to do something like this, and actually knowing how to do something like this.  seems like in order to learn how to do stuff like this you cant really just study about it, you gotta actually do it.  maybe after building like 100 models, or 1,000 models you can say that your truly proficient at this type of work ... uh ... what was i saying ... probably shouldnt get side tracked sorry


well i figured what i could do is chamfer the edges for a mid poly then texture it in ZBrush ... maybe i should use this as an excuse to try out substance painter, ive heard that some ppl have been using that program to paint 3d objects ...

one issue i had with chamfering (hope that's the right term)  is when my object had too many edges the edges would get chamfered in a wierd convoluted way.  so what i ended up doing is modelling in a rather ... blocky way with N-gons and things.  my plan would be to chamfer it with the N-gons then go back and fix the N-gons

but perhaps there is a more efficient means of box modelling this.

whenever i work on a project like this i feel like i get a little better, i wish i could invest more time on things like this, but it's like im regularly bouncing around various projects and putting in 40 hours and stuff so i get maybe 3 hours of any given day to work on stuff like this.  my boss is like "i can see your busy doing various things, so ill help you out by giving you even MORE hours"  if you wanted to help me out, give me a day off -_-;;

well, the bin is supposed to be part of a larger scene, perhaps i should just make a thread for the scene im trying to model as opposed to a thread for each asset.

I'm not certain when I'll be able to work on this again, I want to prepare for the big game jam in january which means for me getting back into game engines and things ... bouncing between various projects is a bad habit i know, i think its best to stick to something and see it through to some form of completion, otherwise you end up doing multiple different things and not getting anywhere


  • neil_w2
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    neil_w2 polycounter lvl 8
    Thought that ... I dunno, I dunno what I thought I don't know what I'm thinking or doing ...

    built model using various small pieces/elements  many elements are duplicates.  UV unwrapped so now many duplicate UV's.  

    I was concerned that overlapping normal maps might interfere with each other or something cause normal maps processes height information from multiple angles as opposed to up and down like the bump map.  so if you overlap the normal's wouldn't the baked normal maps end up contradicting and interfering with each other?

    probably don't need to worry about normal maps with this model doesn't look like it needs normal's

    I thought that I could build some soft edges into the geometry but looking back at it now I'm thinking maybe I didn't really need that either


    I wish I had a mentor or someone to bounce ideas off of in terms of what would be a good approach and what wouldn't

    i think i need to go back and rework these UV maps cause having these duplicate UV's from duplicate objects doesn't seem like a very wise economic usage of UV maps and space i mean unless there are a specific set of textures that's going on to various pieces there's not a point of having duplicates right.  just make one and copy the part and have the UV's overlap

  • neil_w2
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    neil_w2 polycounter lvl 8
    everytime i go back and build anything
    i think to myself "i dont like how i did this, , and next time i approach it differently"

    ... i dunno if that means anything ...

    i redid the UVs because ... well ... yeah ... many of the components are duplicated so i figured i could over lap some of the UV's.  better economy with the UVs
    do overlapping normal maps interfear with each other somehow?


    im getting this wierd issue where all the edges and polygons go crazy sometimes.  i dont understand why this is happeing.  all the verticies have a number or id, its like they're getting mixed up somehow or something
    (i think, im not sure)

    ive attempted to copy the geometry, attempted to import the models into a different max file, but its still doing the polygonal shit storm thing

  • neil_w2
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    neil_w2 polycounter lvl 8
    if ii put it through ZBrush, it fixes itself ... sorta ... i think ...

    this is what I have right now, but i'm not happy with it ... i think it looks kinda weird, like it needs something
    like the textures are too perfect, like it needs some form of weathering like dust and dirt and scratches wear and tear .... something ...

    i dunno, something about the textures isn't sitting right with me, i'm not certain how to approach addressing this

    yeah i know my UVs look a little weird. next time ill do it better, i think part of the problem is my geometry, the geometry must be a little weird and that caused the UVs to become a little weird. i can't keep going back to fix things and change things otherwise this thing will never get done. with my convoluted schedule i can barely get maybe 2 or 3 hours of any given day to work in this :/

    i was also thinking about putting something inside, like garbage ... or a bin ... or garbage in a bin ... i don't plan on opening it so maybe just garbage. looks kinda weird and empty right now :/
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