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What is my next step?

polycounter lvl 2
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Footloose93 polycounter lvl 2
[Warning - Noob question!]
Hey again,

I postet a topic some hours ago when I asked which are your favourite programms.
So I startet too, creating a low poly space ship as a test model.
Not perfect, but I like it for now ;)

I also added the files (one .blend for blender, one .3ds export for 3dsMax).
Bit confused about what comes next.

I guess I can learn how to do the next steps in tutorials, but now is my question:
What are the next steps?

This is a Low-Poly Model. I can create a High-Poly now in Blender with a lot of work.
Or should I do this in an other programm? Or is it completly wrong?

You see, I am coming out of the Designer-Area of Game Development, not
the artist area^^
Remember, this needs to work in a Game (I use Unity), so it should not have so much polygons.
Thats why my one just has less then 1k (without Bevel I mean).

Hope you can give me a quick instruction (or a good link).
Sorry for this noob question...
Best Regards,
Tobi :)

Edit: When you don't think that my test object is useable for testing (e.g. bad in some way)
you can tell me of course ;)


  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Well, the first thing you need to know is; what are you going to make ?? 
    Is the ship just a test of the program ? Or do you want to keep making ships ? (Or do you want to make characters, or buildings, or guns, or w/e.)
    Say, then, are you making things for any game specifically ? Or just to improve your skills in general.
    If for games, what kind of game is it, and what kind of art assets does it need.

    Also, if you follow any tutorial, POST the link to the tutorial. We are left without context here. Tell your whole story.
  • Footloose93
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    Footloose93 polycounter lvl 2
    Until now I am not following a tutorial. I made this ship out of mind because it isn't this difficult until this point.
    So, what is this Test Object for?

    I want 2 things with it:
    - learning the general (and full) process of creating a space ship for a (space)-game.
    (That means the Object, Sculptin, Mapping and Textures)
    - How to add this ship correctly in Unity for my game.

    Anyway, the most critical part will be the artist part.
    I simply don't know exactly how the workflow is.
    I made a low Poly Model now, that wasn't a problem, but what is next?
    Should I make a High Poly Model for the Normals, or Sculpting or is this completly wrong?

    Maybe this way it is better to understand because it is short ;)
    - I want to make the Mesh and the Textures for a impressive ship model, which I will add 
    to my game.
    Thanks for trying to help me ;)
    Best Regards,
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    JAXMP polycounter lvl 5
    you need to unwrap this model so you can paint or bake the textures into it, then make a highpoly either by sculpting or by adding in details into your model. (since it's a ship you could do this with mesh smoothing and creases. then when you have both the high and low poly models, make sure they both fit together right, and then you bake the details form the high poly into the low poly, and from there you start your texturing. the process of texturing will vary depending on what your goal style is and what rendering type you're using (i know the latest unity uses pbr, but i have no idea if it still supports diffuse/spec workflow, as i haven't used it)
  • Tomtegubbe
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    Tomtegubbe triangle
    The best thing to do at this point would probably try to add as much detail by modeling in blender as you can. Find some space ship reference you like then take inspiration from it while you're improving upon your own ship. When you're happy with it you import it into a program like zbrush and add finer details. But since it's a spaceship you could probably skip the zbrush part and add additional detail by just beveling or modeling.

    Then you retopologize the model and bake normal and AO maps from a program like xnormal. You can bake maps in blender too, when you've done this you create the diffuse map with the help of the AO map, then you create a spec map then you should be able to import the model into unity.
  • Footloose93
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    Footloose93 polycounter lvl 2
    I am using Substance Painter 2, when I bake there the programm also creates normal and AO maps if I remember right.
    Need to take a quick look what retopologize is ;)
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