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Logan likeness

shubham kumar
polycounter lvl 10
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shubham kumar polycounter lvl 10
Hi everyone i trying a likeness of hugh jackman's logan movie look , i tried all day changed so many shapes but i am still not getting a glimpse of him .  
i am at subdivision level 1 i don't want to increase the subdivision unless i get something. 
i am making his latest look but i am taking his old looks as a base because they have less hair and beard .
please help me i have attached my reference folder to get better look .



  • Snakes
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    Snakes polycounter lvl 5
    Likeness comes with practice and is pretty much the step up from doing portraits, unfortunately all you can do is practice. Nobody is going to nail their first few likenesses but each time you'll get better and better! For now I wouldn't stress over how close it is to Logan, I'd just worry about making sure the sculpt is working. All I really can suggest is keep at it, possibly overlay your reference photo over the model and pull and push forms to help you get him started. I'd also take a look at the back of his neck and general skull shape as what you have now is quite a bit off. Also, if possible please just upload your reference pics as additional photos on the site, i don't think anyone really wants to download stuff.
    Good luck man, its a good start! 
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Be careful with your ref images...they are all over the board in terms of his age, appearance, etc.  Depending on how old an actor/actress is, A LOT changes: facial structure, fat, wrinkles, plastic surgery, etc.  Pick a specific timeframe and try to gather reference that fits that timeline.  You can have a few that will help with general head shape but just be careful you arent using a profile pic at age 20 and a front pic at age 50...just not going to work.  Also, likeness gets better with anatomical knowledge so make sure you study basic facial anatomy to understand fat deposit types, muscles, and bone structure.  This will help you locate key points on any face and help you understand how to interpret the forms much easier.  Otherwise you are just guessing and that can lead to many issues.
  • shubham kumar
    Offline / Send Message
    shubham kumar polycounter lvl 10
    thanks guys i will keep that age thing in mind 
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