In break; you step into the shoes of someone who has the power to move freely between different realities and to manipulate the fabric of the universe. Each reality is governed by different unbreakable laws, and mastering these laws is necessary in order to progress.
A tragic, story-based psychological adventure, with puzzle-solving Gameplay and an Abstract-Glitch aesthetic. break; is an inquiry into escapism and mental health in video game form. Designed to be a moving, personal experience, we limited our reliance on explicit narrative.
The break; prototype, featured in the video above, was my final major project at university. It was built at Bournemouth under supervision and guidance from Boredomresearch. In June it was displayed at the 2016 British HCI conference. It was given a co-creation award which included money to aid development, and Bournemouth University awarded the prototype best Interactive experience at the end of the academic year. The project's extended abstract has been published on the online eWic and ACMrepositories and can be read here.
I led the project and did the level design, a large portion of the environment art, technical art and blueprints. My teamates were: