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Critiques for this painting?

polycounter lvl 5
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MiragentGames polycounter lvl 5
Painted this late last night. Looking for some critiques on it.


  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looking good, this is a solid foundation for sure!
    some stuff to consider though:

    - get some neck reference, there is a lot of subtle detail missing in the throat area. Here and Here are two examples of what I mean.

    - the same goes for the ear, its looking like you had a solid start, but then kinda said "fuck it" and winged it half way through =P

    - dont shade with gray/black, especially not for skin. look up SSS skin shaders for good reference. example

    - the two pixies would cast light onto the body, atleast on the neck and hair, kinda like this.

    - personal opinion, but the flying torso is really weird, either fade it out into the background or extend/crop the image so its not visible.

    Good luck!
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