Hello. I tried to add some buttons to quick access toolbar and can't edit image of some buttons. But, for example, if command has image in actions table image automatically appears in quick toolbar. How can i edit commands without image?
I think that the icon is added if you use "Right Click - Add to quick acces toolbar", so you have to find the button in the interface (it's possible this might only work with ribbon items). But anyway, last time I played with this, the icons you put in never got saved after max got restarted...don't know if it's the same now
I think you need to edit the MacroScipts to have an icon. Also the Quick Access Toolbar doesn't save like huffer mentioned. You need to make a startup script that adds the buttons you want.
http://docs.autodesk.com/3DSMAX/14/ENU/MAXScript Help 2012/index.html?url=files/GUID-45E36B83-1819-4A37-9B44-4CBCE22DF48-653.htm,topicNumber=d28e229794