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Would like some critiques on excalibur armor

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rallison08 vertex
Hello guys! So I was working on last month's character art challenge. I didn't get it done in time and wasn't sure if I should still post the finished render there. Any notes would be appreciated as I am still pretty green. Overall I feel like I pushed myself a lot further then I have in the past. However, looking at it now, i feel that i'm missing a detail pass that would really put this over the edge. Included the concept art that was provided in the challenge

Also, I know that for portfolio work you don't want to just leave the model in a t-pose. I was hoping to pose it and composite in some ghost mist to match what the concept drawing portrays. However, coming from Blender, I ran into the issue of Quixel maps not jiving well in Blender cycles and couldn't recreate what you see in the screenshots. I know that marmoset is used a lot for presentation but was wondering if there were any other options that people use. I figure what it would eventually come down to is finding a renderer that handles pbr maps and then taking into a compositer to add a ghostly visage, correct?


  • jfitch
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    jfitch polycounter lvl 5
    Hey rallison, 
    The biggest thing that stands out to me is not the pose, but the proportions and shape themes. In your version the arms and legs look like cylinders that taper, as opposed to sharing the anatomy of the piece it covers--the hips should be a bit wider, the calves should have more shape, the forearms look like they're muscled in the concept. The chest armor also doesn't seem extreme enough. I suppose if you were going for a more realistic take you'd be dead on, but the important part is hitting the concept and you're not quite there. Also I'd take the toes out for sure and have the flat boot-like feet that the concept sports. 

    What you said about detail is spot on too--not only do I want to see the glowing, with maybe some vfx and bloom, but the vines! Some could be done with alpha plane cards, but it could also be added into the material with substance designer or painter. You wouldn't have to composite to create the ghostly visage as you put it either, you could use emissive maps, bloom, and alpha to your advantage, and even add some blue point lights in there. 

    As far as rendering, do yourself a favor and pick up marmoset. You'll be very happy that you did. It's also on sale right now. 
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