So I have decided to apply for a character artist position at ArenaNet. I sent one of the recruiters my test in its current state and he recommended that I post it Polycount to get some feedback.
He said specifically that I could strengthen my chances by working on the textures.
Let me know what you think and how this could be improved.
Thanks a bunch

Raw Sculpts:


Game res w/ textures:

The sculpt looks quite good, and the lowpoly seems ok. But I think the texture kills it. Can you post the UV layout as well ? Along with the final texture (diffuse/albedo) And if you can do something with her face... Would be nice.
Her face is also a little strange, the eyes are too big/wide and I think the rest of her face feels... long? not entirely sure.
You high poly and low poly look good though!
Which metal were you talking about specifically? Or were you just talking about all of it?
You're not that far honestly, but just check those models and try to do the same :
- Via separate materials if different materials don't share the same geometry. This is difficult to do due to the triangle budget constraints.
- Plug your spec map into the gloss channel, not completely accurate and a bit of a hack but it gives a better result than just spec alone.
Here is some advice I gave someone else for the last time the internship was up, it is still relevant since the test has not changed for the past few years:http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2264938/#Comment_2264938
I've painted in many more high lights and low lights in the diffuse and spec.
I think it's getting there. It definitely looks better than my initial post.
I turned the specular down to where it didn't really show, So this is basically just a flat color render. I think the metals are reading better now with and without spec.
With the spec turned back on + Some lighting:
The metal is the most obvious problem, I did a quick paint over to give you an idea:
You should never use white to paint highlights, except for the absolute brightest edge highlights.
Contrast needs to be adjusted and more shadows need to be painted in
The chest plate is the best example in the paint over
For the face you are going to have to paint some of the features there, in your full material render her face turns into a blurry mush because it has no definition.
You have some shadows on the shoulders that make little sense, they are too strong, I would find a way to tone them down.
Keep going!
I re-painted the fur and overlayed an AO bake on top of things to increase contrast/shadows. I painted over most of the straps to give them a browner/rustier look. The spec has much less of an effect on the shader now. It's starting to read better I believe? I also painted in some of the facial features so it doesn't look like a mush like you said haha.
I don't know if it's due to lighting but some brown leather parts look a bit too dark.
Edit : I agree for the face, even if I think that the art test only concerns the armor and not the character itself, having a good looking face would improve the overall look.
The concept art for this the straps and chest bits have a brown/goldish tone to them. So while I've seen some tests make it metal I've also seen some make it completely brown like leather. I think for the sake of a nice color scheme the goldish brown scheme seems to work a little better and is more accurate to the colors used in the concept art. I tried to make a happy medium of how it looks in guild wars and how the concept art reads.
Narrowed the nose and pinked the lips as well as blushed the lips and contoured different areas.
It's almost there!