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Sci Fi Corridor

polycounter lvl 4
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SLIVIZ polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys,

This is my entry to the gnomon forum November challenge. The theme was to create something based on a container. 

My translation was to create this 3d scene based on the concept art by http://www.viktorjonsson.com/ 
I love aliens and figured a story of a small alien creature escaping and killing the crew sat nicely with me!
In total it took me a month to model everything up and get the final renders done.

Hope you like it, comments and critiques welcome as always :)


  • ParksMarks
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    ParksMarks polycounter lvl 5
    Hi Sliviz, awesome looking submission!
    If you're looking for lighting feedback, I had some ideas;

    Generally, things were looking pretty flat and unfocused, so I made some changes to put focus on your containment unit, and add interest.
    I reduced the ambient redness, which makes it alot easier to add other colors to the scene
    I replaced the spotlight with an off-camera overhead light. That gets rid of the hotspot, which I would argue pulls focus from your crate.
    I also added some backlight to that window to push that bloodstain. It would be awesome to see light diffusing through the blood. 
    I implied some extra lighting beyond that airlock- this makes some nicer silhouetting, and implies more space station beyond your room.
    Finally, I added some scratches on the inside of the container, to imply that it was carrying a creature.

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    SLIVIZ polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks for the help mate appreciate it.
     I have to agree with most of your changes 

    Beyond the window is actually outside space :) that's why it didn't have much focus on it.
    I quite liked the idea of the flashlight as it tells more of a story don't you think? Maybe if I crank up the flashlight a bit more it will push more focus onto the box as it is in the focal point (rule fo thirds)

    Anyway thanks again, ill make the changes and see how it looks :)

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