Hello, been a while I've been on this website.

I have just started doing 2d coming from a 3d background.
For some reason the images look washed out.
I've included a sheet of rough thumbnails which have some sort of industrial hint to them.
I also included a mountain bridge, Lord of the Rings style Drawing. I Understand the close snow and rocks are far to white. If you could give me some feedback that would be great!

Since you are just starting out, I suggest that you spend more time in studying how to get the forms right, because forms depends on values and colors for them to register properly.
In your first set of images the over arching problem is that everything is getting the same amount of ambient light. A good way to study how light works , because you already are a 3d artist, is to just do some test renders and see how light works , another way is to go outside and look at stuff but that is a much harder thing to ask of for an artist
Just some kind of moon drawing. Different style to earths moon but still has the moon feel