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Are these animations reel worthy?

polycounter lvl 9
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Blond polycounter lvl 9
Hey people. Junior student animator here. Working in my final Uni project here as I was progressing through shots with my peers, I was starting to wonder if the stuff I had made was enough of quality to be put into a reel. I mean, nothing is ever perfect in animtion, well know that and we can arrange and polish till forver of course, but I was wondering if these were good enough work to get myself a place in there as a junior...

Here's a preview of my best shots( it's some sort of a thriller/horror short):



Getting into a suspicous zone:

Her pursuers are approaching:

A few industry professionals came to us and pointed while they were good, they still needed a few changes, some minor no problems, but other major...

I do plan on making slight corrections, I'm still wondering if they are really not good enough for reel material according to today's standard...

What do you guys think?
Been working over 3 months and more on these and a dozen of other shots. Move on and get onto something fresh or keep on adjusting these agains?


  • slipsius
    Sorry I dont have a lot of time right now. But, yes, you definitely have some good stuff here! There's definitely room for improvement in your posing and timing, but, these are definitely some of the best uni student pieces ive seen. Lots of potential! I went through and left a couple notes and draw overs on each piece. Also some editting notes. I think some pieces would just be stronger if you stopped or started at a different time. Saves you some time. 
    Great stuff though! Keep at it! 
  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    Hello Blond, from the look of your shots, I'd say the feedback you've recieved from industry professionals is probably spot on. I think there are parts in there where you're doing some things fairly well, I particularly like the way she loses her footing as she's climbing up the fence, and while I think the animation could use more polishing, I can see the potential for something really nice. My biggest crit though, is that she's doing a lot of running, but much of the running doesn't feel mechanically sound. I'd recommend taking another pass on every step to make sure you've got very clear keys for your contact, up, down, pushoff, and passing poses. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Best of luck!
  • Ichi
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    Ichi polycounter lvl 2
    Do you have a progress thread for the short or any other work up? I'm a student too and these are looking really good to me, I'd love to see more!
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Allright, when, I'll be done with my current tasks, I will focus on improving tthese then. Thanks for the notes splis!
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