Hey, currently in a Game Design Masters of Science degree program and I'm taking a class right now on Game Production Tools. We were given the following assignment:
Game Feature List • 50 Gameplay Features • 5 Tool Features • 10 System Features • 5 Process Features
I got a great book to use as a reference (People, Planning, and Production for Video Game Development by Gerard Merritt) as far as the setup of the feature list is concerned. My issue is coming up with the 50 game features. Does anyone know of any kind of taxonomy or comprehensive list of game features out there? Something I could use as a resource to pull from. Thanks in advance!
I would really keep it simple for such an assignment. Maybe choose a jump'n'run as example.
Good luck!
- Jumping
- Double Jump
- Wall Jump
- Climbing
- Vaulting
- Running
- Crouching
etc etc
Each of these is a feature and it's very detailed, every facet of every feature needs to be written down, designed and detailed. If you prototype jumping, then it has to work properly with animation, maybe you need a falling state? it needs to be synced for networking, do you need a 3rd person animation as well to show other players? that needs to be synced for networking. Etc etc.
It's a lot that goes into this and it easily becomes bloated once you try and make sure the feature works for every department. So yeah, go ahead and think like this, it can easily amount up to 50 features. When showing a feature list for gamers however, it's the major categories that are shown most of the time.