Hey, so I've been working on a new character and really wanted to approach the hair in a more realistic way. I came across this tutorial snapshot (
https://cdnb1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/790/585/large/danilo-athayde-hair-breakdown-comp.jpg?1443930280) which mentioned a hair solution plugin called Ornatrix and which used Vray to bake out different elements. So far I've been able to adopt every aspect the tutorial for use within Maya except the Vray baking aspect as I'm not too familiar with it. I just can't seem to find a way to bake the high poly mesh hair that I've created, to the lo poly card I have, using Vray Bake. And unfortunately Vray's Maya documentation seems to not go into that much depth with regards to using Vray for baking maps:
I guess I'm looking for the Vray-Maya equivalent to Maya's built in 'Transfer Maps'
Well thanks so much if you can help me, it will be truly appreciated.