Hey all,
Struggling to parse some methodologies I am seeing in various tutorials I have been seeing around the web in regards to Ngons and where good topology is necessary and where you can get by without it.
Currently I am watching Vaughan Lings tribot tutorial and I notice that he basically disregards the Ngons that are made during booleans, bevels etc. I know in game models (what I primarily make) good topology and efficiency is key. I have always assumed that this was because of the cost of polycount vs ease of editing and also because Ngons can cause unwanted artifacts when rendering.
However, after watching a number of tutorials based more around using 3D for vis dev and concept art, it seems that it can be ngons galore and there doesnt seem to be much of an issue at render time.
I was wondering if someone who is much more of an expert than me can categorically explain when you NEED to watch your polys and when it is all right to just move through and not worry about it.
(If there is already a thread on this, would love a link, I just cant think of what to search for to find something)
in the end the engine or renderer will split everything into triangles... some engine are good in handling quad strips...
but most of the time you need quads only to have good deformation for animation...
dont worry to much about your edgeflow... concentrate more on form and design...
if you need good topo for your portfolio just post the model here...
However, good topo is expected in a production pipeline. Whether it's for deformation, baking, ease of use for modeling/unwrapping/skinning/etc.
You might see concavites where you wanted convexities, or you might get long thin triangles which can cause real-time rendering slowdowns.
Different triangulation also matters when using normal maps, because it can cause some ugly shading artifacts.
Zbrush will do weird stuff if you try to import a mesh that's not quads. N-gons are the least predictable in this case in my experience.
So it's not just the game engines that you have to worry about. Generally n-gons should be avoided.