Was always into post apocalyptic stuff and Metro 2033 really caught my eye with their concept art. Here's my little attempt at making this cool concept into a sculpt. 2 day blockout so far!
Thanks man! And here's just a little update on the face. Still a long way to go! The hairs are just something I quickly threw together, still place holders.
Always wanted to make a tutorial like this, so I thought I might make one only on the blockout stage of my character. Hopefully you guys will find this somewhat useful. Let me know if you have any suggestions/questions! + A little update on the head model, as it didn't look very nice in my previous post.
That's a pretty good base so far. Perhaps you should tighten and straighten the weapon strap around his coat a little bit. The coat has vertical tension folds underneath the strap and doesn't look like it supports the weight of the weapon. Good luck!
Thanks for feedback, will change the leather coat around. At the moment it supposed to have a very thick leather, so I will thin it out so it has more wrinkles.
Found a couple of minutes today so I decided to do a little substance painter test on the coat. C&C is welcome, as I don't have much experience with substance painter, but I am starting to wrap my head around it!
The face sculpt is done for the most part. The beard will still be changed quite a lot, and I will be painting normal/bump/diffuse map using Mari (XYZ Textures workflow).
Hey, this is really cool! Your base model break down is awesome aswell, I've never really gotten into polygon modelling in zrbush, I've always done that type of stuff in Maya and taken it over but it looks super useful, I need to check it out. Your cloth sculpts are also badass. The texture of the coat is looking a bit noisy and I think the wear could be a bit subtler with more variation in the hues possibly. The folds of your coat are also showing a lot of wear, I tried to find some old ww2 bomber jackets to try and explain, While the leather will consistently fold in the same places, they crease but the discoloration and wear doesn't happen as strongly, and the distress to the fabric happens a little bit inside the crease but not where it would bulge out, though it probably depends heavily on what type of leather you want. Its looking really badass tho and the breakdown is super useful, definitely gonna be referring to it in the future, thanks for sharing your process!
As it goes for the textured jacket that I showed in here, it's definitely not the final version and there was pretty much a single material + some masks put using substance painter.
Hi mate, thanks for the feedback and I will touch up some more on the eyes and mid level wrinkles like you have mentioned, I think you're totally right And here is a little breakdown of how I am doing the adjustable straps for weapon in ZBrush, it's not much and very basic, but maybe someone will find this helpful! With the model you can then take it to 3ds max and use PathDeform modifier to make it into any shape you want.
looking forward to see how you get on!
Still a long way to go! The hairs are just something I quickly threw together, still place holders.
Always wanted to make a tutorial like this, so I thought I might make one only on the blockout stage of my character. Hopefully you guys will find this somewhat useful. Let me know if you have any suggestions/questions! + A little update on the head model, as it didn't look very nice in my previous post.
While the leather will consistently fold in the same places, they crease but the discoloration and wear doesn't happen as strongly, and the distress to the fabric happens a little bit inside the crease but not where it would bulge out, though it probably depends heavily on what type of leather you want.
And here is a little breakdown of how I am doing the adjustable straps for weapon in ZBrush, it's not much and very basic, but maybe someone will find this helpful! With the model you can then take it to 3ds max and use PathDeform modifier to make it into any shape you want.