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Little Building from France

polycounter lvl 2
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VincentM polycounter lvl 2
So hello !
Not used to post so much ( not i don't want to but i don't have the reflexe to do so !)
So tonight ( or today for some ) I will share with you my little project.
I'm on it since a month on my free time ( working the day, breaking the poly at night ! ) and to be honest, it's quite hard to unlearn everything you know ( or almost everything ^^) because I want it to be in overwatch's graphic style.

So here a quick screenshots I made for this post, you can see the really begining of it until today.
I'm open to critics so give me some if you want to share your knowlege, i will gladly share mine !

Where every mesh start.

After 1 or 2 evenings, I made some improvements on the main piece inspired by the buildings in Paris.

After a long night, I had the idea to get the most reconizable french car ( in my opinion and after watching  "The Love Bug" ) 
Here some screens after 3 weeks or less, yet I have lost of things to retake ( the stairs for example)
And here's where I am today, I made some test on small assets or on the stone in the angle to see if a tiling texture will do the job.

Right now i don't know how to end this post but i can say that i will try to keep it updated and more detailed and maybe explain the process if some of you are interested !

See you soon !


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