We’re a small indie game development company named PlayOn ApS, currently working on our first game “TankWars.io” - lately we’ve spent a lot of time optimizing our homemade (PlayOn) platform which is quite extensive, featuring its own unique editor and much more, plus creating our new soon to be main gamemode for TankWars which is a team vs team zone control mode.
However we lack a bit in the artistic department, and up until now we have done all our graphics in-house, mostly by our programmer on top of his other duties, well.. not exactly an ideal solution.
Therefore we're looking for an available [expert] freelancer to take up the duties.
What's in the job
- 2D Assets (In-game graphics, ability icons, crates, bars, buttons etc.)
- Intuitive UI Layout that incorporate all our features together nicely and intuitively
- Mobile Layout, which does the same but on a smaller screen ;-)
- If we work well together, we’d be looking to you for the future
The game is in constant development together with the PlayOn platform as a whole, and we’ll frequently be in need of new graphics and assets.
What is “all of our features” that needs to fit within the UI
Social login, Friends, Friend chat, Friend Profile, Stats, Leaderboards, Party, Chat Channels, Tank swapping, Tank editor, Game settings, Changing game modes etc. (Visit tankwars.io, sign in to check how this is currently incorporated) We do like the current style of the menu, but feel like many of our features is overlooked, and think it will be more of a struggle getting it into a mobile layout. Maybe we just need a few changes to the current desktop layout.
How do I get this job
Send us a mockup at
contact[at]playon.io showing what direction and style you would bring to the game. It does not need to be final, but enough to properly present your idea. UI style, Ability icon style etc. feel free to take a screenshot of tankwars.io and edit in your ideas. Our priorities is intuitiveness, and that it fits the theme of the core game.
Please include any previous work, and which other games (of any type) you have worked on.


Ability Icons

Team Bars

The team bars (zone control mode) is currently only available on our developer domain.