I’m a big fan of painting directly on the model. At this point, there's no reason to see seams in your textures.
So now I’m getting into substance painter. The best way for me to learn is to put it into action. Some time back I was making a sci-fi environment, I haven’t had the time to really work on it. I’m taking this opportunity to jump back into it. I’m planning to put this in unreal 4. I Imported all the assets and created materials for the scene. I laid out a simple environment using some modular assets.
I will break down my materials in a little bit. I’m going to begin retexturing my little robot. The first step, Add some polys. Someone point out some time back the robot was a bit edgy. I defend myself at first, stating that the robot is extremely small. Based on the size it wouldn’t be noticeable. I was wrong.
So now I’m going to jump into unreal 4 and break down my material.
Albedo/Diffuse- Nothing complicated here.
As I explained before, I placed my metalness, roughness, ao map into one texture.
Metalness- red channel. I link it to the metallic section of the material. I also plug into a lerp, alpha section.
I placed a scene capture cube in the scene. I’m using this to create a secondary reflection. I only want the metal part of the texture to have a secondary reflection. The majority of the time, metalness maps are black and one. It seems pretty easy to plug it into the alpha section, plug the reflection vector into the B section, and plug a 0 constant into A section. I also added a constant parameter for adjustment.
Roughness map- green channel. It's plugged into a multiplier with a constant parameter. Simple power adjustment.
Ambient Occlusion- blue channel. It's plugged directly into the AO section of the material.
Material looks like this:
Emissive- It’s pretty simple. It’s a texture attached to a multiplier with a constant parameter for adjustment.
Normal Map- Just as simple as the emissive. Texture attached to multiplier with vector parameter.
And that’s it. This is the default material I’ll be using for the scene. I've also created a
Thin glass material:
Thick glass material:
Here is where I'm at right now.
There are still some things I’m trying to work on. Things may change obviously. I would love to hear any suggestions or tips moving forward, especially with substance painter. The lighting now is definitely not the direction I'm going. The robot is also not going to be that big, the robot is small, I increased the size to double check the texture. I’ll update the thread as often as I can as I progress.
As always, just my two cents.