Some digital doodles and speed paints.
Cliffside Under Siege (approx. 45 minutes)
Played around with some custom brushes I made that were supposedly for sci-fi and texturing.
Tel'Agaea Beacon (approx. 45 minutes)
Messing around with Adobe filters for water effects.
A Gorilla, deer, cobra crossover. (approx. 30 minutes)
Boxy Ray (approx. 45 minutes)
First ever paint over on a box. Calm, relaxed, and a big fan of junk food.
Mech Silhouette Components
Vulcan-Stout Mech
It can fly!
Human Space Frigates
CSS Brubaker
We thought it would be hilarious to reference our classmates as characters in our game. This ship, on which the game takes place, is actually named after our school's director. xD
This was a final project piece for my first 3d art creation class. I wanted to put a twist with sci-fi materials instead of the usual medieval/fantasy textures.
Pretty funky rifle that reminded my of the reclaimer weapons from Halo 4.
Gibson SG Special
A custom take on the Gibson guitar. My first time ever making a model with just splines in 3ds Max. This was definitely an bewildering moment.
Reaper Scythe
Personal project I made on the side to play around with PBR Handpainted textures. Though, it looks more like a sickle looking at it...