I´ve been working on this project for a couple of days now and I think its comming along nicely.
I´m modeling a combat mech very heavily based on a Carlo Arellano (
http://chainsawart.blogspot.com) design wich I always thought was awesome, and because the concept is only one view and its loose I had to design and/or change some things on my own.
Im doing the High Poly version right now using mainly subd´s and quadchamfer and shit. Nothing fancy. I will proceed with doing the Low poly version and then baking/painting in Substance Painter.
Im well aware that it differs quite a lot form the original design, so dont point that out please

C&C are welcomed!
This is Carlo Arellano´s original concept:
And here is my take on it so far:
Feet and some of the mechanics are only blocked out at the moment, so no detail in there. It will also have some cabling and tubing later on for the hidraulicsand stuff. Oh and the Minigun is missing ATM too.

Cheers! hop to have an update soon!