Hi all,
I'm hoping to work on characters professionally one day, but after watching some showreels it became clear I need to update my portfolio. Previous to this I made a character in my spare time, although he was fully geared up with clothes and armor to hide my bad anatomy. So this time I want to do the opposite and improve on my anatomy to show that I can do both.
This is where I'm at after a few days of sculpting the body, the current plan is to make a sunburnt, aged hillbilly with jeans hanging on suspenders. Perhaps a shotgun or two.
Would love some critique on the overall look or details

I do agree with going for subtlety over stereotype, but I'm having trouble finding the balance between subtlety and boring.
Here is a test with and without the suspenders
Edit: Hat helps too! But the 3/4 orientation makes him look more youthful I think. Try keeping it straight.
What I did not calculate in my timing was the influx of projects at work in December, I slept on the bloody office couch last night! Hoping to chip away at this starting next week. Anyway, my coworker recently caught me staring at his crotch looking like I was fascinated with his bulge, but I was actually looking at the bulges of the pockets, and realizing how so many clothed CG characters are carrying shit all. This is something I need to correct, and yes Polynaut, as a Swede I always have a can of snus in my backpocket so there is no shortage of reference there, it would be a nice touch indeed
Some great advice here, thanks again.
I wonder what would happen if I would make a thread in which I sculpt a Social Justice warrior or a feminist, or a poor working class mexican or black person. I wonder if there would be a double standard or if it would be just as okay as sculpting a hillbilly. Maybe a hillbilly is okay since there are none of them frequently visiting this site. It's nice objectifying people when they're not around to see it.
That said, great model.
Also, he should totally have a fish hook on his hat. (Or a Make America Great Again hat.) But, that's just what I think would look fun. Looking forward to seeing more!
Are you planning to model teeth or anything for him? Because you could add some fun details in there, with chipped teeth, or just missing one or something.
Nice model, looking forward to the texturing!
This is slightly unrelated but an important step.
I got some advice from the main game company I want to apply to within the next few months, which was to learn the Substance pack and make a good prop.
Time is really tight atm so in the few moments of peace I've been trying to figure out Designer & Painter.
In order to use it on the character I needed to learn it first, and if I were to make a prop to practice with I could make one to fit my character. So I made a big one in order to practice large scale surfaces and will make a really detailed gun to do some closeup detail. Not quite done yet, but I'm getting closer. Super nice programs.