Hello everyone,
Below is my attempt on modeling a low polygon object and then texturing it in hand painted manners.
Im trying to keep everything as simple as possible, i know that my modeling is still limited, so im trying to focus on the texture.
Please let me know what should i fix, improve or focus on, my knowledge is still limited, but im trying to improve myself.
thank you so much in advance.

erosion edges (those white edges) tend not to be so linear, they are randomly thin and thick and they are not on every edge, they tend to be more visible at corners too.
as for the vein size of the wood, it should not be this small, this width of the vein makes the entire texure look flat. mayby you can keep these as a subltle vein pattern and have larger vein patterns over them to give it a more "painterly feel" .
one of the key aspects to give that hand painted texture feel effect is to make the object look "painted" rather than real.