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[WIP] Egyptian Temple Level/Scene

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Omafo_MF vertex

Hey everyone, in this thread i will be sort of documenting my progress on a project i am working on.
It`s essentially a scene/part of a level inspired by Tomb Raider and Uncharted, involving a base structure similar to the Temple of Karnak in Egypt. Gameplay wise, the main objective is finding a way up to the top level of the chamber and getting deeper into the temple.

Small little summary of the background of this area:

( This place of worship was dreamt to be even bigger than the Temple of Karnak, however it was never fully completed. During a devastating sandstorm the entire structure was swallowed by the shifting sands, seeing this it was abandoned by the egyptians as it was impossible to dig it out. Later raiders discovered the open chamber of the temple and moved in to scavange whatever treasure they could get their hands on. As they did not seem to find what they were looking for they disappeared in a rush, leaving behind everything. )

This initially was an excercise for myself for level design porpuses, as well as modelling a whole scene including assets and textures alone.
I am also aiming for a graphical style of Tomb Raider and Uncharted, these just served as the most time efficient "sketching" method for laying out the basics.
Feedback is really apreciated, so if you think something is off do leave a comment!

-[Current Stage]-EDIT

(First iteration of the basic map layout. No placeholders of details yet.)

(Started the initial theorizing of how the player could progress through the scene. Initial objective is to get further in to the temple.)

(When i was happy about the basic layout i started to go in and figure out the character of the area. Seeing that it`s a temple covered from the outside by sand, i wanted to indicate some structural damage from the pressure and age. Also added scaffolds, since just the columns by themselves looked bland and nothing gave a good contrast next to them.)

(Added the path where the player would go on and follow. Also added a collapsed scaffold on the right, seeing that the middle one was already quiet bent it made sense to further up the sense of abandonment.)

(And final areal shot for today, with a bit more debree around the columns here and there. Also thought about hiding a collectible of sorts behind the fallen column piece on the left and also somewhere around the scaffolds.)

Well that is it for today`s progress at least, i am gonna post more when i get forward, any usefull feedback is appreciated!
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