Hi Guys,
So I recently got into hard surface high poly modeling in maya but I saw a lot of people bring it to a next level in zbrush and there are really nice things you can do there.
So let's say I m modeling a weapon for a main character in a 3D cinematic trailer or movie.
If I would model it only using Maya I need to properly model it with real nice edge flow. Then the finished work would be basically what I have in the smooth preview.
So let's say I can do it better if i do it in zbrush and sculpt it there with dynamesh. Now in games they would bake this mesh onto a low poly model, but if we can have a high poly model like in a movie how do you go about it. Do you have to retopo the hole thing ?
I hope you understand what I m confused about.
but it depends on where you are aiming at: