Here is a women's suit I have been working on. The back of the pants are incomplete, but I am not happy with the suit overall anyway and I am about to restart sculpting from my base mesh again or just scrap it and move onto a different project. But I would like some advice and critique before I start again.
And here is the base mesh that I modeled in blender
I use the standard brush with some gravity, and sometimes the pinch and flatten brushes. I have plenty of references and I have tried to learn about wrinkle tension, bunching, hanging and force etc, but my brain just goes into a fog when I look at a blank surface :P
A tip I'd give you for sculpting the folds of the arms is to actually bend your elbows slightly. It'll help you get a more natural feel for the character and the way the cloth is super to interact with it. One last thing is that folds are like ripples. Anywhere you have a big set of folds, the elbow area for example, you should see repercussions on the nearby areas (forearms). Otherwise it looks "sculpted" rather than feel natural.