I think I'm done with my initial pass. I made two master materials and everything else is an instance. I'm going to start modeling the smaller detail and non critical game play elements to break up the symmetry and start to bring some life into this space. I'm starting to get the hang of 3DS and substance painter. I love substance painter!
I'm slowly chipping away at the crew quarters. I switched to 5800k for the lighting. I figure if you're going to spend a long time in space your not going to want to be under office lighting 24/7. I'm not too crazy about the sink faucet and If I have learned one thing it's that the future is beveled, and exposed wires and pipes are EVERYWHERE.
I'm going to narrow my focus to just the corridor and make a damaged version of it. I probably should have just started here given the majority of the game takes place on a wrecked space station. Oh well.
I'm not too happy with the ceiling