I'm trying to create a 90º bend for a modular environment set and my first instinct was to use the SimpleDeform modifier, my problem is that it doesn't properly line up with the grid which is obviously a problem.
On the left here I've shown my result with the Simple Deform modifier bent to 90 degrees, on the right is the desired result. I got the right result by simply building a 90 degree corner (already snapped to the grid) and making a bevel that covered the entire corner. It worked, but it is obviously this only works on extremely simple meshes that I can put a full bevel on.
Can anyone give me some advice on the best way to go about bending an object to properly align with the grid?
One nice way of getting a good 90 degree bend, is to add a Bezier Circle, add a curve modifier to the object you want to bend, and set it to the axis.
Of course, for this to work nicely, the origin, and edge of your bending object needs to essentially be in the centre of the circle.
Not as quick as just bending it, but it's a bit more accurate, and you can scale the curve to the correct size, drop it into the correct location easily, etc.
@fdfxd2 I don't think this will do what I need, this is more like a lathe function isn't it? I need to bend an existing object
left is with stretch right is the same but without stretch
Now all I need to do is fight blenders transforms =___=