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Portfolio Feedback

polycounter lvl 3
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Anth polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys,

Portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/artist/anth
I want to try and get my portfolio to a professional standard, at the moment I feel like I could be presenting my work better since I mainly use sketchfab for my screenshots. 

What techniques/workflows do you use for presenting your work?

Any feedback on the actual content itself is also appreciated. I know some of the older/unfinished pieces shouldn't be there and I'm going to get round to replacing them as soon as I finish some stuff I've been working on, such as this (Needs to be rebaked etc but it's shaping up):

Thanks :)


  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Hi, when looking at your artstation I would say that the street props are ok but these are very simple objects, the rest is quite weak. The Big Ben has a low res texture so its ok when its a environment piece for a top down game. The bed room has potential, I don't know what you are trying to do with it but if you would improve the materials (try PBR) and make it into a nice unreal4 scene with good lighting, then it could become a nice portfolio piece!

    Don't get discourage by the feedback and good luck! :smile:
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    I think what's letting you down is your texturing. Spend some time getting to know materials, how they work, where the damage is and how much. Some of your stuff is pretty good, stick a decent texture on that robot and it will look pretty sweet! I like the desert town too. You just need to remember to work on the details! 
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    I think the level of the varied components are pretty even. Modeling, texturing, baking etc all seems on a similar level which is a good position.
    Just keep doing more things, pay more attention to proportions, use as many polys as you need to make something look perfect and keep doing textures. Stay on modeling real life references.
    it's not there yet, but its getting close. Just push more things and dont stop.  
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    You have 3 different sketchfab models for your AK, including a WIP one.  Don't do this.  Only post your final stuff.  Having sketchfab models is fine as long as you have images to go along with.  Most of the time, artists reviewing your portfolio will only have a few minutes to look over it, so they will likely ignore sketchfab models since they take a while to load.

    Definitely remove old stuff.  Only having 3 or so high quality pieces is always going to be better than a whole lot of low quality pieces.  Only show your best.

    When you do several small props, such as the street assets, consider grouping them together in a single image.  You don't really need 2 full size images and a sketchfab file for a ticket machine.  Again, less is more.  Make it easy for somebody to quickly see all of your art.

    You still have quite a ways to go.  Keep making new stuff and pushing yourself, and as you do that keep removing the old stuff.  Just gotta keep at it.  
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