Hi guys!
I´ve been working on a new piece for my portfolio and have
reached the baking stage before loading it up in Quixel and bombard it
with details.

i´m stuck on a problem while baking. Baking is my bane it seems,
sometimes is flawless, others i dont have a clue what i did wrong.
3DsMax user, I´m baking with xnormal.

testing on the ornament detail that is going to eat the most polycount
(if i nail this it should be simple to do the rest, right?) aaaand
problems begin.
After making the lowpoly, blockers, cage, everything nominal, i get this problems:
1- those tiny artifacts in the bake
weird that even using blockers they appear, im using ray distance of 5
even adjusted the lowpoly a bit less tight to those corners to test.
Is it the UV being too tight on those spots?
2- The big differences in the shading of the image to the right.
I´ve checked smoothing groups (by default they are sharing one)
I've reseted the normals before the bake and after it.
honestly dont have a clue why they are acting like this, since they
come from a symmetry, if they were symetric id at least would think on
retopo, but probably be wrong... i guess?
3- normal weirdness in the swirl
where the swirl meets its stem, theres also like a small patch of normal being "confused"
i think this is still the bake?
Your help is vastly appreciated.
Being mirror details i'm assuming you duplicated and inverted the geo which tends to cause these problems. To be sure everything is ok try turning on backface culling and those faces should disappear which would prove the problem is inverted normals.