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I need your advice on my portfolio ! Is it the right time for me to look for job in the industry ?

polycounter lvl 7
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Mestaty polycounter lvl 7
Hi everybody,

First things first, here is my new portfolio : https://www.artstation.com/artist/mestaty
I've put in glimpses of my work and my best models. If you want to see more you can go here, there (most but not all models by me), there (most of the oldest models are by me) and there (all model by me).

I am here to ask you your though on my portfolio, because I have a hard time judging my own work.
I am a freelance 3D modeler and I used to work a lot for one big client. It's been one year and some smaller contract helped me live but I am now at the edge of my bank account.

I have worked a lot on reproducing hi-tech devices in 3D, like drones and smartphone for quite big companies. But one downside is that now my portfolio mostly consist of smartphone and other "simple"/"unimpressive" objects. I got one feedback from a lead graph of a video game studio and he said "my portfolio was not suited for video game".

I tried a lot to improve my portfolio for the video game industry, but I have a really hard time working for myself, I am never satisfied with the result and keep stopping projects before they are finished. I think my biggest mistake was to not to find the guts to write on this forum about every project I started. The interest of some people could have give me the kind of push I needed to continue.

But I can't go back ^^ and right now the portfolio I linked you is the only thing I have (I am working on a demo reel but i find my model unimpressive) with some project (I will post them tomorrow) I still have a few week left to work on. But I have to choose, I am good enough right now for the 3D industry (games, movie, visuals...) or should I stop for now (and come back later) and look for a food work.

So I am asking you to give me some advice on my portfolio to help me decide.
Thank you.


  • shubham kumar
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    shubham kumar polycounter lvl 10
    Your smartphones are really good but yes your portfolio is not fit for games it consists of products not game assets . If you really need job right now try to get in design and advertisement industry at least you will have money to pay bills and when you come back home from work start making gameart and one you have a nice gameArt portfolio you can apply in games industry .   
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I agree with shubham kumar, your portfolio is currently not fit for the games industry. You need to fill it with game-art assets, show knowledge about texturing workflows, right now you only have pristine looking materials going on as well. 

    Applying to jobs with your current work will be hard for sure but if you work hard on some game assets it'll be easier to judge :)
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    Do you have anything from the last 2 years? Looking at your sketchfab profile your most recent model is 2 years old. 

    But what the guys above are saying is true. Right now your best bet is to continue freelance, or get a job in design or advertising. Just until you have a game ready portfolio. Take a look on artstation, and see what other portfolios are like and take it from there. 

    This  piece is probably more what you should be showing. But it needs to be a bit lower poly. For games you only really need polygons that will inform the silhouette of the object. 
  • Mestaty
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    Mestaty polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you all for your feedback. I totally agree with what you say.
    @RustySpannerz Yes i have model from the last two years but they are on the others account i linked (and i have some models under NDA).

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