Hia friends!
I'm looking to pick up a new laptop as my current one is starting to die. I have a pretty powerful desktop in storage, but my current living situation isn't suitable for having it around.
I run ZBrush, Maya, Unreal 4 etc. and so I'm looking for something with a bit of a kick - however I don't want to fork up much more than $800 USD. My current computer is a MacBook Pro from 2012 with dual boot, and I'm looking to install Windows 7 on the new laptop. (Not too interested in buying another Mac).
Hopefully this is enough info for some nice recommendations!
Thank you
$1'299 Sager
I might wait for the 1050m (early 2017). if you don't want to wait or spend the extra dough I think you aren't getting your moneys worth atm, so I wouldn't even spend 800usd, probably get a used laptop with a 960m for around $500usd, that way it would even (most likely) have windows 7 on it. Laptop refreshes happen in waves so there are optimal times to buy them at different price-points, we aren't yet at a mid-low end price/performance point.
Gonna see what I can find but possibly wait.