Hello, I want ask you on how to create correct way complex fresnel for Arnold. Let for example, we want create complex fresnel for gold material. First we create SamplerInfo and ( RemapColor or 3xRemapValue ) and aiStandart Shader. Facing ratio in SamplerInfo is inverted, 0° is white 90° is black, then we need invert it with Reverse node. Connect all nodes together, as is on image.
RemapVaule is created for each RGB wavelenght as is on website refractiveindex.info, where brezier curve going from left to right (full reflection).
I use more simple way with mel script from renderblog that you can download from
but RemapVaule/Color brezier curve is inverted, where goes from left(full reflection) to right, then we dont need Reverse node for SamplerInfo - Facing ratio.
Then setup aiStandart shader, turn off fresnel, diffuse weight to 0, specular weight to 1.
But my material doesn't look like as gold.
I have few a questions.
1. RemapColor/Value need Gamma Correction (RGB 0.4545) ?
2. What I'm doing wrong ?
Slight changes in value can greatly influence the result.
You shouldn't need to mess about with inverse gamma(.4545) if you're set up for a LWF.