I have a bunch of 2d vector/curves shapes that need to be round/oval/inflated and I need to be able to play around to see which looks best to me.
What software would be the best for creating simple round shapes from sketches that allow the most customization and is relatively easy to use? I need to be able to adjust roundness on upper, lower part etc.
Photoshop 3d extrude kind of works but its very limited and produces bad geometry often.
Having used Rhino for such things in the past, I'd most certainly agree with gerridoo about its quality. It's probably not as intuitive as Illustrator or Inkscape, but you'll definitely get the job done once you figure things out. Having said that, don't go spending $1k+ unless you're really serious. Rhino's no joke. It's full 3D program and not some small utility of convenience. I wouldn't buy it just to trace images.
Have you tried Fusion360 lately? It has all the main features of Rhino plus a full T-splines toolkit......and it's free.