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Critique on FN-Scar

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csneg null
I'm Modeling a low poly FN_Scar. This will be the first time I will be posting any of my work on forums but I thought it would be a good idea to get out there to see what other people think of my work. Before I continue on my model I would like peoples critiques on what they think of my high poly. What do you like and what needs more work or if you think that I should add something to make it look better. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Daf57
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    Daf57 greentooth
    Looks good - a bit crisp/flat on the edges and sides but should low poly fine. Nice work. :)
  • csneg
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    csneg null
    I didn't even realize that until you pointed it out thank you, I'll make a few adjustment on it. I'm glad you like it :) . I want to use this as one of my portfolio pieces but I'm always so critical of my work and always think that it's not quite good enough. I wasn't sure about posting it on a forum but I'm glad I did.
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Hey, I got a couple points:

    1 - The curve on the lower receiver above the pistol grip could use some work
    2 - You have hard corners here while on a real scar they are more smooth
    3 - This part needs a bit of work the proportions are off
    4 - Ironsight proportions are wrong as well, needs to be a circle.
    5 - The proportions on you holo sight are wrong as well its way to thin

    Maybe you can find measurements of the weapon somewhere online  or in a book that really helps, proportions have to be right if you want to put this on your portfolio, a person who knows guns will instantly spot that something is off.

    I hope this helps, good luck! And its always good to show your work here so that others can help :wink:
  • csneg
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    csneg null
    Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to show me visually what needs some more work. I can definitely see what you mean about the proportions being off now. 
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