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List your 3D Studio Max Scripts!

polycounter lvl 10
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RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys!

I'm looking for scripts to speed up my 3D Modelling workflow. Can you list some of the scripts that help you?

I wish Gumroad had a search function... Or does it?


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    No, GR doesn't have a search function. We don't know your workflow so your best bet is to go to scriptspot and search, test, incorporate. 

    Also, before looking for scripts you should tighten up your default Max tools. Max has a tremendous modeling toolkit out of the box. Heavily customising your quad menus is a great place to start.

    Here are some scripts you should check out:

    Marius Silaghi(Miauu) has lots of great ones.
    Soulburn scripts
    Rapid Tools
  • huffer
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    huffer interpolator
    This is what I use daily, most of these are from scriptspot:
    - Regularize edge loop (turns any loop selection in a perfect circle)
    - Create-Modify switcher (I have this on Space)
    - Select Instances (one click select all scene instances)
    - Super smart create (from polycount), very useful for modeling
    - Advanced UV Normalizer (from polytools3d.com)
  • Shive
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    Shive polycounter lvl 2
    huffer said:
    - Regularize edge loop (turns any loop selection in a perfect circle)
    - Select Instances (one click select all scene instances)
    - Super smart create (from polycount), very useful for modeling
    - I have Regularize and quite some of the other poly functions from the modelling ribbon in my right click menu, hate the ribbons.
    - Same with select instances and select similar
    - Super smart create on space, this one speeds up workflow the most for me.

    Also a few other ones (not necessarily for games, more general workflow in max)
    - modifier zorb: find modifiers, objects, materials, everything, very useful
    - Object Properties 2.0: as a replacement of the default object properties dialog
    - gizmocontrol: lets you link modifier gizmos to other objects
    also several other inhouse scripts, most of it used for handling CAD files and for animations in conjunction with batch Rendering/Deadline integration and render setup
  • nyx702
    I def recommend the ones everyone has listed so far. You can also go to Script Spot and sort by most popular to get a pretty good idea what most people are using. Soulburn has an ass load of scripts I really recommend reading over the list and trying to adsorb what each one does. If I'm looking for a script I try and look at his list first because usually he has something I'm looking for already.

    A few highlights from SoulBurn: 
    - edge divider
    - object detacher
    - object attacher 
    - name manager
    - put pivot center

    Some of my my commonly used:

    - WrapIt Retopo plugin: Use this for 99% of my retopo needs. 
    - Outliner (in older versions of Max): Mimicks Mayas outliner 
    - Polyunwrapper  (also from polytools3d.com) Suite of awesome UVW tools
    - PatJS UV Match : Snaps selected verts to nearby verts
    - PatJS Vert Match: Snaps selected verts to nearby verts
    - Smart Place: Interactively snaps a mesh to another mesh surface normal
    - PEN Stack Tools: Auto selects the modifier you were last on when you switch objs
    - uniconnector: Similar to the Super Smart Create people have mentioned but has more cut/connect focused tools. 
    - Shiv's Vert Cleaner: Removes isolated verts from boolean garbage 
    - VigTools Coord Toggle: Single tap W sets coordinate system to World, Double tap W sets it to local. Huge time saver!
    - Roxify primitive: A parametric prim that you can have be a quad sphere or a box with lots of settings 

    And of course I use my own scripts :D

  • Eric Chadwick
    A trick for searching any site that doesn't have search, or else a poor internal search engine (Polycount included!)

    Google: searchterm site:something.com

    For example:
    https://www.google.com/search?q=maxscript site:gumroad.com
    https://www.google.com/search?q=maxscript modeling site:polycount.com
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