Been using Maya for years and years and need to use Max for a new job...
Should be a fairly simple one but surprisingly hard to find the answer to online when you don't know what to search for!
I want to move this vert to the right so it will snap in line with the one above. In Maya, you would click on the axis you want it moved in on the Gizmo, hold down 'V' and middle-click-drag on the vert you want it snapped to and BAM... no such luck in Max though. Feel like an idiot for asking such a simple question but like I said, just cant find this one anywhere! See image:

and thanks to the other suggestions - all good to know!
new problem... well... annoyance due to transitioning from Maya:
In maya, I bring edges closer together or further apart like this by scaling them in that axis (somewhat as a way of life for me now) yet, in max, this does not do anything at all... So my question is (1) How can I get scaling edges like this to work in max? or (2) What is the proper way if this way is just not possible/done in max?
thanks again polygods!
in short, I want to create UV sets and a single material so that I can have who different opacity maps on different faces while maintaining the UVs for the diffuse.
This time I made an image explaining it: I want all of this in one material to then be used in unreal.
I have learnt how to unwrap and texture and stuff no problem - now I want to make slightly more complicated shaders: I have a small tiling diffuse map to be applied to everything, and two tiling opacity maps - one for the platforms and another for the steps. I then need a channel for the lightmap.
Can not for the life of me figure out how to do this. The closest ive got is make three materials and then a multisub object to combine them into one however this means reading the colour map three times which I dont want... I think..... who am I?.... going mad.