When I create a new scene in Maya, my perspective camera works fine but my ortho cams are unusable without tweaking. They're set to 1000.1 units from origin, and near clip/far clip is set to 0.001/100.
I can set default perspective cam options in create>camera>options, but that doesn't seem to apply to ortho cams. I can also set default clipping planes in settings>cameras, but I have that set to .1/10000 so I'm guessing that's perspective cams as well.
Any suggestions?
string $doCameraStuff = "do camera stuff here";
scriptJob -e "NewSceneOpened" $doCameraStuff;
I don't think usersetup.mel runs when you open a scene, just when you load Maya, so I created a default scene with a script node that runs the following script on load:
This sets camera positions/clipping planes to appropriate values if you're using meters as your working unit, and then hides them in the outliner (personal preference). Thanks for the responses.