Hey guys.
Firstly, as I dont found any proper forum to post this, I've put it in here. If it is wrong, plase let me know.
Secondly, this is my first time on being a active member of this monstruous community and I'm glad for that!
Let's go:
Here is the thing, a couple of months ago I started a course to improve my 2D art skills and now at the end of the course I've realized that I had a giant issue with my perspective composition skills. Since I couldn't find a tool that works like it, I decided to start making a simple but powerfull tool that allow me to create more grounded compositions.
Has past two weeks now and I'm almost finishing it for production release and I came here to show you it and get your feedback.
The idea behind Scene Composer is to be a virtual "manequim" or "kalunga". It is being done on Unity Engine and it will be a free web tool, so anyone can use it at any time as needed.
Some hot stuff you will be able to do:
- Pose the character as needed. (duh)
- Pose N number of characters as long as the PC memory supports.
- Add Omni Lights to enhance the color pallete of teh environment.
- Pose Up to (Not Defined Number) of POVs (Cameras).
- With basic solids (Cube, Cylinder, etc), build up a base layout of the composition scenario.
And more...
Some stuff I want and will add in the future:
- Finger selection and rotation.
- IK for Arms and Legs.
- Facial rig for facial expressions.
- Basic population props for scenario.
- Basic action props for action Compositions. (Sword, Bow, weaponary in general) .
It's good to remind that the principle is to be as simples as needed, but content rich.
So, thanks for your interest! Give-me your feedback, idea or say to me what you would like to see in this tool!
Lots of hugs!
Btw, I am about to make a video explaining the tool in depth, but for now I have some pics for you:

Inside Unity's Editor.

Browser Build.
who and what is this for? and I dont mean that in a "for all artist who wants it" kind of way.
what I mean is right now the tools seams pretty simple, and would probably need a lot more features to really make it worth the time. It has a lot of potential though, and I think it can be really cool. what Im trying to say is the type of features you would need to implement in the future vastly depends on who your aiming this for.
for example, if your aiming at beginning artist, maybe some composition overlays, like golden ratio, support for different aspect ratios and lighting presets would be really usefull.
if your aiming to professionals, you would need to be able to save poses and most likely have support for importing custom meshes, but a feature like facial expressions is probably gonna be painted in better by the artist anyway.
I hope that makes sense, and I think this is a pretty cool idea overall, but needs a clear focus.
By now the idea is to scratch the "possibility valley", if you know what I mean. The thing is, the tool by now is focusing on solve the problem to find the best pose reference on the web. I believe that this task can take several hours for beginners who can't or even don't want to take a self picture. But on the other side, for production purposes as professional use, it can speed up the process of creating a pose reference in less than 30 minutes.
Yes, it needs a more nailed focus, and is this focus I want to create with the users. The idea is to iterate week by week until it fill the needs on both sides of the board. Where the users can give ideas and vote for features in a poll.
But, for all this to happen I need testers, and I forgot to mention that the tool is in alpha stage. So we plan to put a lot effort and features on it, always reminding the simplicity and shrinking the production time.
By the way, your idea for light presets, golden ratio and some guidelines are really interesting and will be added for future features with no doubt.
I don't know if I really answered your question, because cought me blind, but let me know more about what you think!
One of those ideas being the grid texture that helps you visualise forms.
its also gonna help when getting alpha testers, cause you know what type of feedback to look for easier and what type of feature to prioritize, cause believe me, the feedback is gonna be ALL over the place
If you can help a bit more, think as you are a beginner artist: What more can we put on the tool to fill your needs? (Except what you already mentioned)
Btw, I'm talking with other friends to gather more feedbacks and it is being really good to open my horizons on some "golden" features...