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Substance designer scaling issue (noob question)

polycounter lvl 9
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Sunray polycounter lvl 9
Hey I'm new to substance and I'm having this problem with my scale. When I import 2 materials i made into a new graph to blend them they both ignore the absolute size of the base parameters from the graph. While I have the output size of the materials set to relative to parent. 

Sorry for the noob question


  • Bek
    Offline / Send Message
    Bek interpolator
    If they're relative to parent their resolution will inherit from their parent. You can try changing it to absolute (but you wouldn't want that on .sbsar's you export). You can check the documentation for more info.

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Bek said:
    If they're relative to parent their resolution will inherit from their parent. You can try changing it to absolute (but you wouldn't want that on .sbsar's you export). You can check the documentation for more info.

    Doesn't matter when I change to absolute res stays the same.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    It's a known pain in the a...  with Substance designer.      The programm is very prone  to any  inconsistence within nodes with absolutly zero indication.  Anything  you forget to set right somewhere 10 levels deep.
    Most probably it's bitmap imputs  you forget to set relartive to parent at some transform node in the process.

    SD is a good example of software designe where you have to adapt to software , not other way around , contrary to what they say.    It's like Zbrush  where you hate interface, hate evrything  but have to tollerate and adapt  since it's only soft that do what you need on the market.

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