Just started modeling a few days ago, and found some decent tuts online to get over the hurdles of the learning curve of zbrush. And right now I can't find anything on truly merging two base meshes. I made a tiddie on a separate layer, and mirrored/ merge weld. Then I merged my base model with the boobels and now when I try to smooth it out I get wrinkly artifacts. Then I switched to wire frame after several hours of research and trial and much error, to see that the meshes are different colors. How do I go about making both meshes truly one, so I can continue with the modeling process?
Another thing you could do is mask out the area of the torso you want to be the boob area, invert it and do a project all from the projection rollout
Also This is the mesh it was giving me after already merging, I made a copy subtool of the tiddie just in case it went wonky, then hid it and tried to go from there.