Hello, I believe this to be my first post.
I am currently in the process of making a pixie for my portfolio piece (university).
I shall try to keep the posts somewhat regular but I'm terrible with forums.
I'm currently trying to make the basics of the design for me to start my low poly (I'll be animating the character along side of modeling).
But I cant seem to find a good enough way to create the Reaper-like mouth (Search Blade 2).
Any suggestions on the best way to do it or any critic on the design would be appreciated.
(I've tried a couple ways already)
I've linked and attached a throw together of the design and current model. I'll try making the presentation prettier further down the line.
(just realised my user is spelt incorrectly which is upsetting)

I figured out that the best way I knew to create the mouth was to model the lines in high poly then create the actual mouth when creating the low poly, then i will go back into high poly and create the inside part of then mouth for normal's.
This is the current high poly, I haven't added much detail because I wanted to create the low poly so that I could start my animations.
I've set up another discussion for my animation side, so far I've rigged, skinned and created some animations for the pixie. I plan to work on improving the high poly after I have finished with the basic idle, walk, run, etc animations.
I started on the skin detail, in addition to creating a high poly mouth cavity (in between the hands).
Once I've finished the muscles for the mouth, I shall finish the teeth and create the tongue.
I've Pretty much finished with the body, I am now mainly working on clothing and animations.
I have textured and imported my character into unreal to see if all the current animations work and if the texturing looks alright. It is very blue but I think it gives it quite a fantasy feel which works.
These are some of my clothing designs, the top are based around African, Mayan, Egyptian, Etc with a bit of Avatar the film. The bottom two are just made from imagination using real world materials insect parts and flowers. most people liked the bottom two with the majority the vibrant flower one so that is the one I started modeling.
I created a quick render of my model in engines with and without the low poly clothing attached.
There is a render order problem with the wing transparency that I've been trying to fix but to no avail.
This is a screenshot of the face in Aggro mode:
Any Suggestions/critique would be appreciated
Been a while but i have uploaded a bit the animation side. Probably should have kept it as one.
I had a play with the materials, I was recently shown instances so I put that to uses, shes lost a lot of here secondary colours/ high lights but i think overall it look a bit more real. I created a face paint design with no intention of keeping it but it ended up alright and i might in the end.
I've uploaded single shot renders of the new materials and some for the topology.
I've been working on the animations and setting up in unreal but it's been a bit slow these last couple weeks.
this is my final render one orthographic ish turn tables with high poly and one diorama with wire frame.