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[UE4] Forgotten ATST

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Mathew O polycounter
Hi guys, with a new star wars film coming soon I started to get the itch and started blocking out a new environment. I normally don't post my progress much or if I do I start late so I decided I should try and start this thread early and try to keep it up to date as the more feedback I can get the better this should turn out :)

This is pretty early stages but it's a start!

I started roughing out the scene last night using the landscape tool + some kite demo assets that I plan to replace. I've also started putting together materials (that still need work) using a combination of megascans, quixel suite and substance designer. 

My plan is to make the ATST look very overgrown, like it's been there for a while with a lot of moss and roots growing up the legs.


  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Cool idea, Im looking forward to see it finished!
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Thankyou dude :)

    I've spent my spare time recently getting some materials put together with Megascans Studio so that I could play with tesselation on ground materials, I ended up throwing away the landscape that I had built with the UE4 tools as they were giving me far too many problems and started sculpting it in Modo instead. This is a real shame as my iteration time is much slower but I was getting corrupt map saves and all sorts with the landscape tool so it'll be worth it. Next up I'll probably look at getting some sort of canopy and some more foliage into the scene. 

  • LenasTeapot
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    LenasTeapot polycounter lvl 5
    Wow wow! It's looking really great, especially the ground materials.
    Maybe you just haven't gotten to it yet, but that is some calm water. Especially on the banks where it meets the dirt. 
    For the foliage I would recommend a little more variance in color. Getting some brown mixed in would make it feel more convincing. Even a lush forest will have a number of dead/eaten leaves on live plants. Right now its a swath of similarity. 
  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    A lot of those edges on the AT-ST could use more refining. Normally I wouldn't mention that this early on, but I noticed you're already doing texturing on it.
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Great feedback guys, I started messing around with water this morning and will get some colour variation happening in the foliage :D@Vertrucio I'm not too sure what you mean by edge refinement? Do you mean when I texture it or modelling? It just has a generic metal applied to it at the moment but I will start working on the AT-ST soon!

  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    More variation, especially in how damaged this AT ST will be.
  • macoll
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    macoll polycounter lvl 14
    Megascans went there ;)
    Keep up the nice job!
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Ooh I need to look through their stuff more :D I'm creating anything unique with substance but if I can use scans for other things I will. Partially because they're awesome and partially because I don't want to spend more than a few weeks on this scene. 

    I've spent some time today trying to figure out a way to grow roots up my AT-ST using speed tree, I'm not getting the right results at the moment as I want them to be straighter but as far as I know you can hand draw the splines so I'll use that if need be. I started out by using zbrush and zspheres for roots but that was obviously extremely slow and allowed for no iteration so I scrapped that. 
  • LenasTeapot
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    LenasTeapot polycounter lvl 5
    Hm, more procedural plant creation is fine if you dont want it to do a very specific thing...Good luck! 
    A few other notes as you work on the roots:
    I would put a tree nearby where those big roots come out of the ground. Right now its very strange that they sprout on their own. Vines would be fine sprouting on their own, but what you have looks like roots, so they need to belong to something bigger.

    Also the At-ST's foot seems to be planted on the surface of the water. I'd submerge that side a little more.  
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    So I've been messing around some more with Speedtree and have put together some custom drawn roots, they still need some work but I like them alot more now :) I've also been playing around with a moss mask and some 3d moss tendrils. I started working some more on the tree,s so they're not just cylinders but I think they'll need some AO so you can see some of the bigger shapes, also their lightmaps don't bake well at all so I'll need to fix that. I have a list of extra plant types that I want to add, I also need to swap out the ferns for my own ferns and improve the redwood bark texture but progress is being made.

    Feedback welcome :)
  • Kazperstan
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    Kazperstan greentooth
    yummmm moist mud. It's Looking good! Those ferns need some love though, are you using the 2sided foliage shader? Seeing as its a quick, not looking to be optimal scene, might as well turn mip mapping off on the fern textures to help out the alpha a little there to. 
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    The environment itself seems to be coming along nicely.

    The AT-ST looks jarring to me though, like it shouldn't be upright. Even if it was abandoned roots growing around the legs likely would have knocked it over or at least not level. I don't know if it could be resolved by sticking a leg into mud like it got stuck and abandoned, or leaning of the cliffside would also throw the turret off kilter which might help, or simply a composition where it has fallen over.

    In any case, looking forward to see how this one comes out.
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Thanks guys, the ferns are actually from the Kite demo and use the foliage shader but I think the lighting was letting them down. I've worked some more on lighting and added my own ferns now. I agree that the ATST is jarring so I'm working hard to try and bed it into the scene, I want it to feel quite prominent in the scene so I'll try and keep it where it is for now. 

    I have no idea what I'm doing with the StormWok, he pretty much just wonders around the scene. The splines hanging from the AT-St represent ropes that the Ewoks have used to sure up the ATST. The shapes in the tree are stand in models for the little ewok houses in the trees from the film. I've worked on adding some clovers, new ferns, improving ground blending and a few other bits and bobs. 

    I plan on adding a couple more types of foliage in order to thicken up the forest so they'll probably be next :) 

    Feedback welcome!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I think it's starting to get where it needs to be, this is the only feedback I have actually. Just keep polishing them shapes and see where it goes, just give the terrain more natural slants and stuff add rocks where you feel it'd feel natural and just blend everything in. It's looking great though! just keep going ! <3
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    This may be a little painful as I had to switch to a mesh for the ground so working on it may throw away all my material blending and foliage painting but I'll try and make it happen tonight :D
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Some propping changes and more variation in the ground plane, I need to look into tinting the path a little aswell as I think that will help :) I've been messing with the mip settings on the moss because it was starting to feel fuzzy so hopefully it looks softer now.

  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Hey guys! I've been chipping away at my scene during the weekend, I'd love to know what you think could be better :)

    The bark was feeling really weak so I improved that a little but it'll need some more love, I also got some undulation and tinting into the muddy areas. I improved the roots on the ATST legs and have added some plant life to those. I've thickened up the canopy some and added some midsize trees in order to really give the scene some volume. 

    I need to spend a little time on the ewok houses and bridges up in the trees to try and make it feel more like Endor next really but any feedback is appreciated!
  • The Rizzler
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    The Rizzler polycounter lvl 9
    I'd move the Ewok into open space to make him a bit more of a focal point and either tilt his helmet so that it looks like he's looking up at the ATST or down like he's looking into the water - this would be a simple change but I think would do a lot more for the storytelling of the scene. You could even make the ATST slump a bit as if it's looking down at the Ewok as well? Looks a bit stiff for a dilapidated war machine. Love the foliage and morning-mist type ambience going on though! 
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    So I was suffering from some really dark shadows which was killing the feeling of volume in the foliage because the shadows just looked so fake so I've been working away on improving that and making some general lighting changes. I've also been adding details to the tree houses in the background, they don't look good up close but they do the job that I need them to do :)

    I also tipped the ewoks head up towards the ATST and I reworked his spear a little as something was really bugging me with it, My list is getting close to done so I'll be looking for some more crits soon. I did play around with the ATST pose a little but it's hard to make it not look like it's about to collapse, I want it to look left behind and not broken down. 

  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Hey man this looks awesome!

    I'm not sure if its fog or bloom, but the white foggy white stuff thats happening near the ATST is hurting the shot a little bit for me.  It immediately pulls my eye over to the ATST, but its causing that side of it to blend in with the tree in the background.  I like earlier shots where you have more contrast on that edge of the ATST and it pulled it stronger into the foreground.  The moss is pretty neat, how did you achieve that look?  Is that cards?  I think the moss climbing up the ATST looks strange, in that its just poking directly into the metal.  Maybe adding a little bit of rust underneath will help make that transition smoother.  Moss grows in moist places, so it would make sense to have some oxidation underneath it.

    I think that the sharp contrast between the lush greenery and the brown/red dirt really defines the look of Endor.  You certainly have that here, but I think you could play with the balance of these colors compositionally to get a really cool shot.  Right now, everything is very green heavy.  

    I really like this image, notice how the brown slashy stuff even sits on shelves on the tree roots?  Also seeing the ferns sticking right through that stuff is really pleasing to the eye.

     I'm assuming the greenery is megascans stuff maybe?  It certainly looks impressive up close, but isn't serving the mid read very well.  A little bit of color contrast could go a long way here, both to break up the monotonous tone across the vegetation, but also carry that brown color across and balance the shot better.  Similarly, I think the rust on the ATST can carry that brown across the right side of the image too!

    I apologize for my crude painting, but I whipped this up.  Looking at this now, I also think that the lens flair thing happening in the top left is a bit strong.  Serves the composition well, but is maybe just a little too big.

  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    This is all amazing feedback, thanks George! I'll try and integrate everything you've mentioned <3
  • parag
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    parag polycounter lvl 4
    Lovely .. looks fabulous :)
  • Borgleader
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    Borgleader polycounter lvl 6
    The ewok with a stormtrooper helmet makes this 100% better <3
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it! I do like the StormWok :D 


    Here's a quick render test, trying out the sequencer before I wrap up the scene. Tis always nice to see a little realtime motion :) I plan on rendering the final shot at 4k.

  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Getting some extra love into the AT-ST, trying to blend in some rust like George suggested, I've also pulled back the moss in certain areas in order to bring out some of the details on the AT-ST that were being hidden before.

  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Here is my final feedback in the form of a photoshop "paint-over". So the thinking behind my feedback was to give depth to your plants and moss but also unifying the colors a little bit. In the end I think a lot of it ends up being "whatever you think is better", I have a thing for trying to work in more earthy tones into my scenes.

    What it means for you is probably this:
    - Work in more color variation into your ferns. Brown the bottom of them make them blend better with the ground/trees. 
    - Make sure the base of the moss is layered in color, make it deeper and browner at the base. (http://orig08.deviantart.net/f2c3/f/2013/061/1/3/rock_moss_by_danikamilles-d5wqcwo.jpg)
    - Do some more LUT work I guess. The reason for my paint-over being more "evening sun" is because during the pass of me trying to make your greens more earthy-colored, it clashed quite heavily together with the cyan look of the background. Thus ended in me trying to unify the colors to be more yellow then bringing it a little bit back towards yours again.
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    This is great feedback, I definitely need to get some overall variations in to the plant colours. I'll keep a little more cyan in my LUT when I come to doing that but this is really useful <3
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Ok, scene is pretty much finished. I've added some variation into my plants, worked on moss and AT-ST rust, messing with the lighting and have been testing my render settings for youtube :) I'm going to give myself a few days before I post it to artstation and call it finished just so I have fresh eyes before I finish.

    Final Shots


  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    I'll replace the images in the last post with my final images tomorrow as they're pretty much the same, but I made this pretty cool GIF. All just images from this thread :smiley:

  • Murasam
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    Murasam polycounter lvl 11
    @Mathew O
    This scene is great. Love the depth. The vegetation looks awesome two. The story telling is superb my brain when crazy trying to come up with a story for this scene
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