For Honor alpha inspired me to create short animation in similar style. I would love to have you guys as guides who will help me make this animation as good as possible. From the beginning to the finish line. Here's the first blocking of the first part of the animation, if you have any criticism for it, I'd love to hear it as I'm still able to do major changes.
Please, for the love of all things animation, playblast your shot (right click the timeline and say playblast) and upload that to vimeo, youtube, or syncsketch. Capturing your screen is not the same quality. Hard to critique.
Playblast video weight so much that I had to cut on "quality". I don't know if it's good enough, but if you need higher resolution just let me know! And as for now, let's focus on frames from 0 to 22 please. Last two aren't finished yet. Thanks!
What kind of reference are you using?
Edit: but still, if you have any criticism regarding character poses or the way they act, I'd love to hear it.
F20, left guys arm could be futhur back behind his head
F21, left guys arm could be a bit more bent
Really liking it so far.
The blocking stage is usually for setting your key poses and working out timing before adding inbetweens and moving into spline. You seem to have already keyed every frame (or most frames)
I wish I had an explanation why I'm going back so late with such a small progress but... well... computer games...
Omitting the case of my laziness , I've got for you another poses. Again any feedback is welcome.
My personal "things to do" is add more anticipation for the left character before he's stabbed in the eye and also make effect of dizziness right after he's hit with a pommel. But before I'll make tweaks to it I have a question regarding constraints.
So I would like to unparent a sword for the effect of dropping it after a death of the character. The problem is that this is my first animation in maya ever and I barely touched rigging staff in this software , so I have no idea how to make dynamic parent/unparent for the object. I use mixamo rig. The sword itself doesn't seem to have a bone so it has to be some kind of "object parent to bone". Anyone has an idea how can I do that?
As for dropping the sword. For something like this, I tend to just cheat it. I`ll have 2 swords (just duplicate it). one is parented to the hand (S1), the other is free floating (S2). Say you want to drop the sword on frame 151 (thats the frame its no longer touching the hand). on f150, I would key the S1 visibility as on and S2 visibility as off. Snap S2 to S1 so that they are in the exact same position. then on f151, S1 visilbiity gets set to off, and S2 visibility gets changed to on and you just animate S2 falling. There's really no need to do complicated constraints if its just for your reel and not in game.
EDIT: I haven't found a way to key "visibillity" attribute but I've just changed scale of the object to 0. Works good so problem solved
Just right click Visibility and hit key selected
Just type on and off to switch between the two.
If you're using an object you didnt make, and that visibilty option isnt there, You`ll need to unlock/show it. Super easy, as well.
With the item selected, in the channel box, go up to edit, and click on Channel Control.
From there, in the middle section, scroll down and find Visibility, and press the move left button.
This will move it over to the keyable section
You`ll now see it show up in the channel box!
Hope this helps.
Yes! That helps a lot. I tried to find a solutions on other forums because I knew that the "visibility" attribute should be in channel box but no one couldn't help me except you! Thanks a lot.
Finally - this time I have much bigger piece to criticize.
I'm leaving it here!
Looking forward to any criticsm.
https://syncsketch.com/playground/a9...cd39417#180062 ---> camera view
https://syncsketch.com/playground/63...0f7fc85#180060 --->view port view
as usual, any criticism appreciated.
F43 - Left character's knee freezes a bit and then shoots forward and back.
F168 - Left character looks a bit off balance.
F196 - Add a bit more time to the look by the right character. I don't quite register that he looks and then fumbles back. Happens a bit too quick.
F205 - Add some footroll to left character's stretched leg.
F226 - Slight locking of the left character's leg. He's wearing armour, so avoid locking out the knees.
F253 - Left character's knee pops and then stops moving. Have it ease more.
F302 - The right guy could fall quicker here. He's wearing a ton of armour and he's got a shield. After the initial ease, he's going to fall pretty heavily.
Looking nice, keep going, should turn out to be a cool shot.
I took your notes into consideration and tried to fix them. I also changed a little bit whole animation. There's probably still a lot of things to fix but I began to be tired of it and decided to call it finished. Thank you all who participated in this topic, as always any criticism appreciated so I can know what kind of mistakes I should avoid in the future. Thank you everyone.