Hey, over the last month or so i was working on an organic ue4 environment to push myself to learn some new techniques. I learned a lot of new stuff (tessellated materials, Color look up table, creating atmosphere with different fogs, environment sculpting, procedural texturing, vegetation).
I tried to push myself to my limits so i would really appreciate some feedback.
Here is the art station with a fly through video:
Final Still:
From what you could improve - these stone butresses look a little weird to me. With that kind of texture, they would fall apart. Larger stones are usually used for this, something like this:
The texture looks like it's made for a wall (and bricks are curved). Pretty small detail, everything else is badass as for me. Love the god rays.
From philosophical standpoint, I feel like your scale is almost microscopic here. It's not very practical if we're talking about games/movies. These assets you created here can be easily used for much larger space.
Its a tiling material created in megascan studio, mixed from several ground, leaf, mud and water materials.
I'm wondering if the area with the steps has a ceiling? If it does, then I think the lighting so be darker in there and you can transition your light for a mood. Create and area of focus with a bit of mystery.
I would work a little bit more on those columns. They are way too round.
Silly real life