Hi guys,
and a new "im used to use blender - is this possible in maya, too?" question.
In my modelling workflow its a common practice to start with an edge ring (no faces) and extrude it to a cylinder. Very handy, because you can copy an edge ring from another mesh and use it to have a perfect base for further modelling. One example - you model glasses and you want to have the thingy over the nose with the exact same radius like the other wires.
I tried to copy the edge ring and it doenst work. After the second attempt to copy a cylindric part and delete the other vertices doenst work either and the "delete by force" (ctrl+del) function create weird geometry. Is there a way?
Best regards,
1. Create the mesh
2. Copy the inner edge ring and translate it to the right
3. Rotate the ring
4. Extrude the ring to get the exact radius
But I think you answered my question with your post above. It isnt possible
1. Create the mesh
2. Get ring selection of faces (click first face, double click adjacent face)
3. Duplicate Face (option dialog allows extracting to new mesh if needed)
4. Rotate and move
But this sounds actually pretty good and easy. Well, it isnt the best solution for everything, because I dont just use this method for tubes, but thanks for this great time @Bartalon
@huffer this kind of stuff needs a custom script? nice to know. thank you!