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November is the month that I finish a project. This idea has been kicking around in my head for a while now, and I'm finally ready to attempt to do it justice. One of my favorite toys as a kid was this castle:
I am going to recreate it in 3 dimensional space.
Modelling in: maya
Texturing in: substance, photoshop, quixel, and zbrush
Final presentation: Unreal 4
First pass at an asset list:
Castle Model
Unique Rock scupt
Wrought Iron Gate
wooden Window
Wooden table
Tiling Castle Brick
Tiling Stone Floor
Tiling Wood
Window/doorframe trim
Floor trim/stairs
Wrought Iron
Moat Water
Torch Fire
The sequence is just a series of still camera shots with an event track. When it switches cameras, the event track has a keyframe Screenshots_01, etc.
You seem to be getting along famously with designer though
Designer has been a great challenge. I really like how quickly I can get the absolute basics of a material setup that looks passable until I can come back to it later and give it some loving it deserves. Being able to change tiling amounts and experiment so non-destructively has completely changed up my workflow.
Messing around with my vertex paint material. It now can blend the top layer with the bottom layers normal to get some forms showing through. The normal mip bias allows me to blur out the normals a bit as well.
Solid work so far